Congratulations to our newly elected Mensa Penang ExCo during AGM on 17th March 2018. Mensa Penang ExCo 2018/2019 Chairman: Yeoh Ban Lye Vice Chairman: Ng Kiah Tong Secretary: Ng Hsiang…
Mensa Penang will be having its AGM (Annual General Meeting) on 18 March (Sunday) and we invite all Mensans to join us. It will include a buffet luncheon to be…
Dear members, We are now in the process of updating our Penang database. We realized we have many who are members of Mensa but due to old email addresses or…
For many of you in Mensa Penang who know Nick Miller (and know of him as the one who most resembled Einstein), please note that we received this email from…
Come and sit for the internationally recognised IQ test conducted by Mensa Penang Branch at Caring Society Complex, Jalan Utama, on 24 June, 2012 Sunday at 10am. The test lasts…