Dear Mensa members
Please be informed that the Malaysian Mensa Society Annual General Meeting for 2013 will be held as follows:
Date: 12th May 2013, Sunday
Time: 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Venue: Georgetown City Hotel (formerly known as Berjaya Hotel), Penang
1. The first 15 paid Mensa members who register for the AGM gets to enjoy a subsidized lunch at the hotel.
2. Each Mensan can bring a family member to enjoy the lunch at a subsidized rate too.
3. The AGM will be held after the lunch.
1. Address by Chairman
2. Confirmation of Minutes of AGM held on 18th March 2012
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Yr 2012/2013 Activity Report by Secretary
5. Testing Report
6. Recognition
7. Matters Arising
8. Election of Branch Committee 2013/2014
9. End
Please register with:
1. The Secretary through email,, or tel: 016 498 1138, 04 227 0714
2. The Chairman, tel: 019 471 9978 Before 2nd May 2013.